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Owen Ouyang

Graduate Student (PI: Dr. Nicholas Wu)

Research Interests

Antibody, Biotechnology, High-throughput screening platforms

Research Description

Antibody is one of the most effective protection measures against infectious diseases, and they are the basis of many anti-viral strategies, including vaccination. However, our understanding in antibodies has been extremely limited, due to the existing bottlenecks in the current antibody discovery pipeline. Compared to the entire antibody repertoire of an individual, only less than 1 billionth of antibodies have ever been identified throughout history, and even fewer have been characterized.

At Wu Lab, my area of research is to explore and develop strategies that can accelerate antibody discovery and characterization to further our understanding in antibody immunity.


  • B.A. (Biology), Washington University in St. Louis (2021)

Awards and Honors

  • Gregorio Weber Graduate Student Fellow in Biochemistry (2024)
  • Robert L. Switzer Award for Excellence in Teaching (2024)
  • School of MCB Research Retreat Poster Presentation Award (2024)
  • Department of Biochemistry Travel Award (2023)
  • William T. and Lynn Jackson Graduate Student Fellow in Biochemistry (2022)

Courses Taught

  • BIOP401: Introduction to Biophysics (2023)

Additional Campus Affiliations

  • Student Coordinator, Plasmidsaurus (2022-Present)

Highlighted Publications

  1. Ouyang WO*, Tan TJC*, Lei R, Song G, Kieffer C, Andrabi R, Matreyek KA, Wu NCProbing the biophysical constraints of SARS-CoV-2 spike N-terminal domain using deep mutational scanning. Science Advances 8:eadd7221 (2022)
  2. Tan TJC, Mou Z, Lei R, Ouyang WO, Yuan M, Song G, Andrabi R, Wilson IA, Kieffer C, Dai X, Matreyek KA, Wu NCHigh-throughput identification of prefusion-stabilizing mutations in SARS-CoV-2 spike. Nature Communications 14:2003 (2023)
  3. Munteanu V*, Saldana M*, Sharma NK, Ouyang WO, Aßmann E, Gordeev V, Kasianchuk N, Tierney BT, Lucaci AG, Knyazev S, Ciorba D, Bostan V, Mason C, Skums P, Wu NC, Rzymski P, Hölzer M, Zelikovsky A, Smith A#, Mangul S#SARS-CoV-2 wastewater genomic surveillance: approaches, challenges, and opportunities. arXiv DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2309.13326