Anne Carpenter, MCB alumna and Imaging Platform Director for the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, was featured in a half-hour television documentary, Bold Visions: Women in Science and Technology. The television special aired on WILL-TV March 16, and on other PBS networks.
Anne earned a PhD from the (formerly named) Department of Cell and Structural Biology, in 2003, studying under Andrew Belmont. She also has a certificate in business administration for life scientists from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Anne Carpenter, Imaging Platform Director for the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, was featured in a half-hour television documentary, Bold Visions: Women in Science and Technology. The television special aired on WILL-TV on Sunday, March 16 at 9:30 p.m., and on other PBS networks.
Carpenter leads a team of computer scientists, statisticians, and biologists at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Their work involves extracting the richest information possible from biological images, particularly microscopy images from high-throughput experiments.
Anne earned a PhD from the (formerly named) Department of Cell and Structural Biology, in 2003, studying under Andrew Belmont. She also has a certificate in business administration for life scientists from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Carpenter has been awarded numerous honors, fellowships, and research grants. She was named a “Rising young investigator” by Genome Technology magazine in 2007 and a BioVision World Leader delegate in 2003. She also belongs to a number of professional societies including the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Association for Women in Science.
Said Carpenter, “The Bold Visions program should be inspirational to girls and young women interested in science, giving them a taste of the fun and satisfaction that comes from research.”