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Developmental Cell

According to the journal's aims and scopes, "Developmental Cell, launched in 2001, is a broad-interest journal covering the areas of cell biology and developmental biology. In addition to publishing work spanning all areas of cell biology and developmental biology, we have particular interest in how these fields interface with each other and with other disciplines in biology. The journal aims to showcase work that examines, through a cell biological lens, the fundamentals of how a cell works, how cells interact with one another and with the environment, how cells come together to form a tissue, organ, and ultimately a whole organism, and what happens when any of these processes go awry."

Team deciphers how myotonic dystrophy generates lethal heart dysfunctions

Roughly 80% of people with myotonic dystrophy – a common form of muscular dystrophy – experience dangerous heart ailments, and heart rhythm defects are the second-leading cause of death in those with the condition. In a new study, researchers traced the molecular events that lead to heart...