The School of Molecular & Cellular Biology is pleased to announce the winners of its annual Undergraduate Research Symposium held Nov. 2, 2023.
MCB faculty conduct leading research programs in biochemistry, cell and developmental biology, microbiology, and molecular and integrative physiology. Being an undergraduate researcher provides valuable experience for students, who develop skills in conducting research, communication, leadership, project management, and more. The experience also prepares students for graduate school or a possible career in research.
School of MCB Director’s Award for Exceptional Research Presentation
Leela Mouli, “Deconstructing the drivers of snaR-A noncoding RNA expression in cancer,” Dr. Kevin Van Bortle’s lab. Research supported by the 2023 School of MCB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
School of MCB Outstanding Research Presentation Award
William Dai, “Characterization of PNN-associated cells in the mouse inferior colliculus,” Dr. Daniel Llano’s lab. Research supported by the 2023 Jenner Family Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
Lily Wenger, “Probing the Tumor Microenvironment via Bioluminescent Logic-Gate Technology,” Dr. Jefferson Chan's lab. Research supported by the 2023 School of MCB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship and the Arnold and Mable Beckman Foundation.
Shivang Bhaskar, “Effect of Nucleolar Stress on the Localization of SNUL-1 ncRNA,” Dr. Kannanganattu Prasanth’s lab. Research supported by the 2023 Jenner Family Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
Aneek Mirza, “Interaction of Chromatin Remodelers with the Origin Recognition Complex,” Dr. Supriya Prasanth’s lab. Research supported by the 2023 Tom and Cynthia Cycyota Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
School of MCB Research Presentation Honorable Mention
Brendan Rattin, “PI(3,4,5)P3 is Necessary for ARHGEF39 Activation,” Dr. Jie Chen’s lab. Research supported by the 2023 School of MCB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, sponsored in part by Dr. Keith Westcott.
Asta Simonovic, “Investigating the Mechanism of IgA Assembly in Avian Species,” Dr. Beth Stadtmueller’s lab. Research supported by the 2023 Spudich Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
Trisha Pal, “Associative Learning within Sea Urchins,” Dr. Rhanor Gillette’s lab. Research supported by the Gillette Lab.
Ishita Purwar, “TGF-ß Signaling Mediates downregulation of ESRP2 in Alcoholic liver Disease,” Dr. Auinash Kalsotra’s lab. Research supported by the 2023 School of MCB Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
Many thanks to our 2023 judges: Shruti Bendre, Hunter Cobbley, Gracious Donkor, Saika Hossain, Tongyu (Tony) Liu, Simón Lizarazo, Snigdha Mathure, Alison Neff, Shreyasi Neogi, Quang Nguyen, Teak-Jung (TJ) Oh, Sangeetha Ramesh, Xiangning Song, and Amber Wang.