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Undergraduate Programs

The School of Molecular and Cellular Biology Awards Ceremony

The School of Molecular and Cellular Biology Awards Ceremony was held Thursday, May 6, to recognize a number of our faculty, undergraduate students, and graduate students for excellence in teaching, academics, and research.

MCB Undergrad Grant Reed Given Patricia Askew Leadership Award

Grant Reed, a graduating senior in MCB, was awarded the Patricia Askew Leadership Award this year.

MCB Third Most Popular Major

In a news story published October 17th, Molecular and Cellular Biology was identified as the third most popular major among undergraduates at the University of Illinois.

Meet MCB: Angela Bizzarri

Angela Bizzarri’s accomplishments in the athletic arena are impressive. In 2009, she was honored with the Dike Eddleman Award for the second consecutive year as the University of Illinois Female Athlete of the Year, after earning All-America honors in cross country, indoor track and outdoor track...

The MCB Undergraduate Experience: A Q&A for New Students and Parents from an MCB Graduate

Outgoing MCB senior Alex Crofts takes a few minutes to provide an informal report, responding to questions about his time at MCB.

MCB Undergraduate Instruction

A cornerstone of the excellence in education for which the University of Illinois is renowned, the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) is the largest school in the University of Illinois College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.


“I still remember the picture I took of my first electrophoresis gel,” said Andrew Smith, a senior in MCB. “I still have it.” Smith was not conducting research in a faculty lab when he ran his first gel, nor was he working as a biotechnology intern. He was attending his introductory, sophomore-year...

MCB Undergraduate Awards

Numerous teachers and students were honored in this year's School of Molecular and Cellular Biology Awards Ceremony, held in May.

UNDERGRADUATE LAB EXPERIENCE II: Undergraduate Research in Faculty Labs

In 2001 Heather Vlamakis coauthored a paper detailing the spread of antibiotic resistance among bacteria in the human body.  It was one of the first publications to show that bacteria can share antibiotic resistance genes in natural settings, and Vlamakis did her work as an undergraduate...