Biochemistry PhD candidate ‘Fola Adesanya has been awarded a 2025 predoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association to support his research into the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of heart defects seen...
Gut hormones play an important role in regulating fat production in the body. One key hormone, released a few hours after eating, turns off fat production by regulating gene expression in the liver, but this regulation is abnormal in obesity, researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-...
Breast cancer patients are 60 percent more likely to die of cancer after surviving a heart attack, according to a new study published in Nature Medicine.
Roughly 80% of people with myotonic dystrophy – a common form of muscular dystrophy – experience dangerous heart ailments, and heart rhythm defects are the second-leading cause of death in those with the condition. In a new study, researchers traced the molecular events that lead to heart...
Autophagy or “self-eating” is a fundamental biological process by which cells digest and recycle cellular components for survival of the cells under nutrient-deprived conditions. Autophagy must be tightly controlled since deficient autophagy is associated with many diseases and aging, while...
Graduate Student Daphne Eagleman in Dr. Nien-Pei Tsai’s lab has been awarded a 2-year Predoctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association. This fellowship will support her thesis project to decipher the role of a ubiquitin E3 ligase Nedd4-2 in cellular stress-induced neuronal degeneration...
Molecular and Integrative Physiology Professor Jongsook Kemper, postdoctoral fellow Sangwon Byun (leading author of the study), research scientist Young Kim, and colleagues publish results in the EMBO Journal.
The American Heart Association’s Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB) selected Department of Biochemistry Professor James H. Morrissey to give the 2013 Sol Sherry Distinguished Lecture in Thrombosis at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions Annual...
Dr. Elena Zelin, a postdoctorate fellow in Brian Freeman's laboratory, is a recipient of an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship. This 2 year award is established by the American Heart Association to recognize research accomplishments by outstanding post-doctorates and provide support...