The American Heart Association’s Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB) selected Department of Biochemistry Professor James H. Morrissey to give the 2013 Sol Sherry Distinguished Lecture in Thrombosis at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions Annual Conference.

The American Heart Association’s Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB) selected Department of Biochemistry Professor James H. Morrissey to give the 2013 Sol Sherry Distinguished Lecture in Thrombosis at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions Annual Conference.

This lecture was created in 1990 to honor the founder of the American Heart Association’s Council on Thrombosis, Dr. Sol Sherry. Sherry realized in the 1960s that thrombosis, a disease that results in the obstruction of veins or arteries through blood clotting, was not given proper attention or study. In order to rectify the situation, Sherry led a task force of the National Academy of Science's National Research Council that instituted a national conference on thrombosis, created a book encompassing this field of research, and eventually resulted in the creation of the Council on Thrombosis.

In November, Morrissey will travel to the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas, to present a lecture on the topic of his choice.