- Professor Kannanganattu Prasanth led a team that found that certain genes that don’t code for proteins could play an important regulatory role in breast cancer.
- 2019-03-12 - The School of Molecular and Cellular Biology creates an inspiring new space for instruction and advising.
- 2019-02-19 - A career spanning six decades, over 400 papers, 25 graduate students, and numerous awards surely means a relaxing retirement? Not quite. Govindjee, at 86 years, is still dissecting the mechanisms of photosynthesis. He also collaborates with researchers across the globe to improve crops for food and energy production.
- 2019-02-05 - The latest paper by the Kuzminov lab describes the development of a highly sensitive method to probe the nature of DNA replication in E. coli. The findings were published in a paper titled “Near-continuously synthesized leading strands in Escherichia coli are broken by ribonucleotide excision” in the Proceedings in the National Academy of Sciences.
- 2019-01-18 - The latest paper by the Brooke lab investigates the mechanism through which an Influenza A-infected host cell can be rendered resistant to subsequent viral infections. The findings were published in a paper titled “Influenza A Virus Superinfection Potential Is Regulated by Viral Genomic Heterogeneity” in mBio.
- 2019-01-17 - The Zhang lab recently published a paper in Cell Chemical Biology titled "Optogenetic delineation of receptor tyrosine kinase subcircuits in PC12 cell differentiation."
- 2019-01-15 - Discovery provides deeper insight into DNA and the fight against cancer.
- 2018-12-31 - Prof. Ann Nardulli, an endocrinologist and cherished MIP faculty member, passed away on June 27, 2018. To honor Ann’s memory, we present excerpts of a conversation between Ann and Assistant Prof. Catherine Christian, conducted in September 2016 on the occasion of her retirement.
- 2018-12-31 - We live in an environment characterized by a multitude of complex, diverse sounds. The ability to filter, select and understand specific sounds from this rich environment can impact learning, speech, and even our survival. Just imagine driving your car in heavy traffic while listening intently to a radio interview when, in the distance, you hear a siren. That sound will automatically and...
- 2018-12-31 - The Prasanths began a new life as postdoctoral researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. And today, as University of Illinois CDB professors, they continue to work side by side — literally. Their respective labs are next to each other in the Chemical and Life Sciences Building, where they probe the mysteries of DNA replication and gene expression.
- 2018-12-31 - When Neal Kitchen joined the department of cell and developmental biology in 2002, his plan was to get a PhD and then find a job with a company that would pay for an MBA program. But just as he neared graduation, the financial crisis of 2007-2008 took the wind out of the job market. “There were a lot of companies that simply weren’t hiring much,” he said, “so I...
- 2018-12-31 - CDB graduate students wanted to open a discussion about career opportunities, particularly outside of academia. They formed a group that included students and postdocs in the summer of 2017, and to date, the group has hosted three alumni with very different and fascinating career paths.
- 2018-12-31 - The Meads made a $1 million contribution this year for graduate scholarships and an endowed chair in Molecular and Integrative Physiology.
- 2018-12-31 - It is rare to fall in love with a field during college, pursue it, and build a stellar career. Yet, that’s what John Cronan’s life has always been about- fatty acids.
- 2018-12-31 - Although oxidative stress is a chronic problem, life endures. To understand how oxidative stress damages cells and what their defense mechanisms are, the Imlay lab uses E. coli as a model organism.