Places to study  Studying strategies  Tutoring  Academic Success Plan 

In addition to the resources included here, please visit our Health & Wellbeing Resources page and our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources page.

Biology library

The Biology Virtual Library serves the Schools of Molecular & Cellular Biology and Integrative Biology. Subject areas include all aspects of the biological sciences, biochemistry, and other interdisciplinary areas. The print collection is housed in the Funk/ACES Library.

Library guides for each department:

Biology librarian Kelli Trei and other Funk Library librarians and staff are available to provide reference services and to support your research, teaching, and learning. Contact or for support.

Schedule an appointment with the biology librarian

Places for quiet study and group meetings

MCB Learning Center

The MCB Learning Center is available to students for individual or group study sessions.

Hours: Monday through Wednesday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM CT and Thursday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CT. Closed during campus breaks and summer sessions.

Location: Room 101 Burrill Hall

Most MCB teaching assistants, and some instructors, host office hours in the Learning Center. Specific course and instructor hours will be posted at the entrance. Students are allowed to meet with any TA assigned to their specific MCB course, regardless of the discussion they are enrolled in. The room is equipped with Apple computers for student use.

Integrative Biology Learning Center

The IB Learning Center, located in 2092 Natural History Building, is available for individual or group study during all NHB Open Hours.

Chemistry Learning Center

The Chemistry Learning Center (2120 Chemistry Annex) offers a variety of services to assist you with your chemistry courses.  Free drop-in tutoring is also available during the hours posted on their website. For more information call 217-333-2998.

Check out the online tutorials for CHEM 102 and 104.

In our experience, students who struggle in biology generally struggle because of the chemistry behind the biology, especially if you are beginning in MCB 150. The University of Illinois Department of Chemistry has put together some helpful online resources which are likely to help you in both your biology courses and your chemistry courses.

Funk ACES Library

The Funk ACES library has lots of study space and also has rooms that can be reserved for group or individual study:


Studying strategies & resources

MCB and Campus Resources


Maintenance Studying - How to study and be successful in a science course, by Brad Mehrtens, instructor for MCB 150

The Storytelling Strategy - Explaining what you think you know about a topic, by Brad Mehrtens, Instructor for MCB 150

Concept Mapping by Brad Mehrtens

Succeeding in the MCB Core, video by Alejandra Stenger


LAS Success Workshops: Open to all students, these sessions are appropriate for students wanting to improve their performance in or understanding of a particular course or subject area or to enhance their understanding of a specific major or minor.

The Writers' Workshop provides free writing assistance for University of Illinois students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines and levels. Discuss your writing with consultants who are experienced writers and teachers of writing. Consultants are available to meet at the MCB Learning Center for 50-minute appointments.


The Division of General Studies Tool Kit includes tips on time management, organization, learning styles, note-taking, and much more.

Tutoring Services


Students enrolled in MCB courses are encouraged to utilize the course instructors as their best resource for help.

Integrative Biology Tutoring

Students enrolled in IB courses are encouraged to utilize the course instructors as their best resource for help, but if you are interested in finding a personal tutor please contact Integrative Biology Advising ( for alternative possibilities .

Chemistry Learning Center & Tutoring

The Chemistry Learning Center (230 Davenport Hall) offers a variety of services to assist you with your chemistry courses.  Free drop-in tutoring is also available during the hours posted on their website. For more information call 217-244-5581.

Economics Tutoring

The Department of Economics Tutor Center is located in room 21 (basement) David Kinley Hall and is open Monday-Thursday, 1-5PM . This tutoring service is free and available to any and all undergraduate students taking econ courses, as well as CALC I and CALC II. More information on this center, as well as additional information on additional academic assistance, can be found on the Economics website. Tutors are able to assist with general questions and concepts. Specific questions about homework or tests should be directed towards your TA or Instructor during office hours.

The Jeffries Center for Access and Academic Success Tutoring

The Jeffries Center offers a variety of services including tutoring, review sessions, and supplemental instruction.

Residence Halls Tutoring

Many residence halls on campus offer free drop-in tutoring in Math, Chemistry, Physics and Writing.  Check with your Resident Director for more information.

Academic Success Plan

Academic warning status, formerly known as academic probation, serves as a warning that poor academic performance or failure to complete requirements in a timely fashion may jeopardize future enrollment status at and graduation from the University of Illinois.

Once notified of your academic status, you will be asked to meet with an advisor and sign an advising contract to participate in our probation program. Through this program, you will be required to meet with an advisor (ideally the same one) at least three times during the semester. Once you have completed your required three meetings you may continue to meet with your advisor should you find it necessary and/or beneficial. If you miss any of the three required meetings a hold will be placed on your account until a meeting is scheduled.

Getting help

Seek advice from your academic advisor as soon as you know of your academic status or are notified by an advisor. We are here to help you get back on track. Advising staff will discuss with you what may have gone wrong, help strategize a new plan, and help set new and attainable goals.

If you are struggling with a particular class; see the professor or TA during his/her office hours.  Even seek help from your fellow students who may have a better grasp of the class and form a study group. Collaboration and perseverance will help you prevail.

Rules for academic warning

Beginning freshmen

  • Code 1A A beginning freshman who does not earn at least a 2.00 (C) university GPA in the first semester is placed on a 2.00 academic warning for the next term in which that student is registered.
  • Code 1G, 1P A beginning freshman may be placed on a college-determined academic warning level assigned at grade audit.
Students other than beginning freshmen
  • Code1A A student whose cumulative University GPA is 2.00 or better and who does not earn at least a 2.00 average in any semester or summer session is placed on a 2.00 academic warning for the next term in which the student is registered.
  • Code 1B A student whose cumulative University GPA is 1.75-1.99, inclusive, is placed on a 2.25 academic warning.
  • Code 1C A student whose cumulative University GPA is less than 1.75 is placed on 2.33 academic warning.
  • Code 1G, 1H, 1P, 1T College-determined academic warning levels assigned at grade audit.

Biology & SMCB Students

  • Biology students and SMCB students who receive a C- or lower in a core course will receive an email asking them to make an appointment with a biology advisor to discuss options regarding the course - biology students may meet with either an IB advisor or SMCB advisor, all other students must meet with an advisor assigned to their major.
  • Biology students and SMCB students whose major GPA falls below 2.0 will receive an email requiring them to make an appointment with an advisor - biology students may meet with either an IB advisor or SMCB advisor, all other students must meet with an advisor assigned to their major.

Academic drop

Drop rules are based on university semester GPA, university cumulative GPA, or combined all-university cumulative GPA and transfer GPA (used only if the transfer average is below 2.00). The applicable GPA will depend on the student's current status and whether the student has completed work elsewhere. These drop rules may be waived when the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences judges that the student's scholastic record warrants such action.

  • Code 17 A student who fails to earn at least a 1.0 (D) University GPA in any academic semester (not including summer session) will be dropped.
  • Code 17 A student on academic warning who fails to meet that warning level will be dropped, unless they has achieved at least a 2.00 or better university GPA for that semester, and their cumulative GPA is at least a 2.00. 
  • Code 18 A student who fails to make satisfactory progress toward a degree or who fails to complete the conditions of admission or continuation will be dropped.

Only students dropped under Code 17 may appeal a drop status.

Advising agreement, progress reports, time management forms

MCB Advising Agreement (Word Doc)
To be filled out with your advisor.

Advising Self-Assessment Online Survey
Log in with your netid and AD password
Complete prior to your first visit with advisor.

Course and Exam Progress Report (Fillable PDF) (Word Doc)

To be updated during visits with your Advisor throughout the semester
Includes a listing of all current courses, instructors, contact information for instructors, office hours, dates of exams & major assignments and grades earned thus far.

Time Management Form (Fillable PDF) (Word Doc) 
Used to set a consistent study schedule for the semester. Allows student to set aside time for reading, reviewing notes, attending office hours, etc. Can be updated as needed.