• 2022-07-25 - Yiquan Wang is a PhD student in the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology at UIUC. In our latest "Meet MCB" video, Yiquan shares how he's bridging his love for art and biochemistry to help people better understand virology.
  • 2022-07-18 - The 2021-22 Big Ten Distinguished Scholar list was announced Thursday (July 14) by the conference office. Fighting Illini student-athletes, including three molecular and cellular biology students, earned 93 honors.
  • 2022-07-18 - Biochemistry professor Nicholas Wu has been awarded the Ann Palmenberg Junior Investigator Award by the American Society for Virology. As a recipient of the award, Wu delivered a research talk at the 2022 ASV Annual Meeting. This year's conference is being held at UW-Madison from July 16-20. 
  • 2022-07-15 - MCB major Neha Arun shares her experiences working as an undergraduate researcher in Professor Collin Kieffer's lab in the Department of Microbiology, as well as a look at life outside the lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
  • 2022-07-15 - Join Maaz Haji as he describes one of his last days as an undergraduate student at the U of I. Maaz graduated in May with a degree in molecular and cellular biology. Watch his story here
  • 2022-07-11 - Three students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have been awarded David L. Boren Scholarships, including MCB major Brendan Rattin. The National Security Education Program selects students to add international and language components to their education by studying overseas in world regions critical to U.S. interests.
  • 2022-07-07 - Interdisciplinary researchers at the Beckman Institute, including Molecular & Integrative Physiology Professor Dan Llano, received federal funding to develop ultrasound imaging methods for studying the neurovascular changes underlying Alzheimer's disease. Their low-cost, widely accessible technique could eventually aid in the disease’s early detection.
  • 2022-07-05 - When the coronavirus causing COVID-19 infects human cells, the cell’s protein-processing machinery makes modifications to the spike protein that render it more flexible and mobile, which could increase its ability to infect other cells and to evade antibodies, a new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign found.
  • 2022-06-30 - New research from Supriya Prasanth’s lab at the University of Illinois provides tremendous insight into the role of the smallest subunit of the human ORC, Orc6. Although the ORC is conserved in all eukaryotes, Orc6 is the most evolutionarily diverged. In a recent study published in PNAS, the Prasanth lab identified a novel role for Orc6 in the maintenance of genome integrity.
  • 2022-06-27 - A natural small molecule derived from a cypress tree can transport iron in live mice and human cells lacking the protein that normally does the job, easing a buildup of iron in the liver and restoring hemoglobin and red blood cell production, a new study found.
  • 2022-06-15 - A new start-up led by a Carle Illinois College of Medicine student aimed at developing a saliva-based method to check for iron deficiency anemia has been selected for the University of Illinois’ iVenture Accelerator program this summer. The start-up called Ferritiva — founded by Carle Illinois student Jeffrey Lu — is one of 16 ventures across the U of I campuses admitted to the program which...
  • 2022-06-10 - The SHIELD: Target, Test, Tell program combined frequent saliva tests with modeling and an app to keep the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus and surrounding community safe when on-campus operations resumed in fall 2020.
  • 2022-06-08 - Each year, Mayo Clinic invites around 180 undergraduates from across the nation to participate in their Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program. Sponsored by the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, this 10-week program gives undergraduates a chance to work at the forefront of biomedical research at one of the world’s leading medical centers. Students work in the...
  • 2022-06-07 - The Departments of Biochemistry and Plant Biology are pleased to announce the creation of the Rabinowitch Lecture Series, which will feature guest speakers who have made key achievements in the two fields.
  • 2022-06-07 - Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, the most common form of focal epilepsy, often have seizures that start from one side of the hippocampus and not the other. Such patients may also experience complications such as cognitive impairment and reproductive endocrine disruption. Although it’s been documented that these seizures often start from one side of a person’s brain, similar relationships...