In the Department of Cell & Developmental Biology

We study how cells grow and divide, assemble, and function to form multicellular organisms. Using multidisciplinary approaches, we investigate fundamental biological questions and are dedicated to training and educating students in modern molecular and cellular biology, cancer biology, developmental biology, and neuro-cognitive sciences.

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Cell & Developmental Biology News

Read article: Celebrating the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium Winners
Celebrating the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium Winners
The School of Molecular & Cellular Biology is proud to announce the winners of the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium, held on November 13, 2024. This annual event showcases the hard work of our undergraduate researchers, who contribute to advancing knowledge in biochemistry, cell and...
Read article: Winners announced for "Life Inspiring:" A gallery of images from the School of MCB
Winners announced for "Life Inspiring:" A gallery of images from the School of MCB
The School of Molecular & Cellular Biology is pleased to congratulate the winners of its “Life Inspiring” art competition, which celebrates the intersection of life sciences and art. Earlier this year, undergraduate and graduate students were encouraged to submit original works of art...
Read article: Asking “Big questions”: UI researchers illuminate on transcriptional interplay among RNA polymerase enzymes
Asking “Big questions”: UI researchers illuminate on transcriptional interplay among RNA polymerase enzymes
Investigators from the University of Illinois have created a whole-genome map that charts the occupancies of RNA polymerase enzymes in humans, discovering unexpected patterns in the process. Their findings appear in ...
Read article: New campuswide project will develop rapid manufacturing of tumor models
New campuswide project will develop rapid manufacturing of tumor models
Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign will develop a radically new platform to manufacture tumor models and expand their availability for medical research and personalized medicine, thanks to a $21 million grant from the Advanced Research Projects...
Read article: The mystery of schistosomes: Q&A with parasitologist Jim Collins
The mystery of schistosomes: Q&A with parasitologist Jim Collins
Jim Collins’ research isn’t for the faint of heart — or stomach. “We don’t talk about it at the dinner table,” he laughed. Collins, a parasitologist who conducted his postdoctoral work at the University of Illinois, studies parasitic flatworms known as schistosomes. These parasites have caused...
Read article: With, not on: Reimagining autism in research
With, not on: Reimagining autism in research
In the past six months, Laura Hetrick has spoken to more researchers than she has in her last 14 years at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. “The last thing an autistic person wants to hear is, ‘You...
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PhD in Cell & Developmental Biology


Our program is designed to set the foundation for a future scholar or industry leader to uncover new knowledge in the field, critically analyze scientific data in molecular life sciences, communicate the significance of biological phenomena, and lead research and development efforts to enhance human health.

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Read article: Meet MCB: Professor Brian Freeman brings molecular chaperone expertise to Illinois
Meet MCB: Professor Brian Freeman brings molecular chaperone expertise to Illinois
Urbana, Ill. – Cancer Center at Illinois scientist and professor of cell and developmental biology, Brian Freeman, has focused his research on the study of molecular chaperones (MCs) since the beginning of his career as a graduate student when chaperones were thought to have no medicinal purpose....
Read article: Meet MCB: Temirlan Shilikbay, cell & developmental biology PhD student
Meet MCB: Temirlan Shilikbay, cell & developmental biology PhD student
The School of MCB is proud to highlight our graduate students, including Temirlan Shilikbay, now in his third year at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He is a PhD candidate in professor Stephanie Ceman's...
Read article: Meet MCB: Yejing Ge, PhD, CDB, '12, professor at MD Anderson Cancer Center
Meet MCB: Yejing Ge, PhD, CDB, '12, professor at MD Anderson Cancer Center
Meet Yejing Ge, PhD ’12, now a professor at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas Tell us about your current position and what research questions are you and your students...